As part of the exhibition, we also presented the project of a garden gallery in Košice by Oto Hudec. In the garden, he contemplates how artists can contribute to improving the prospects of (currently lost) humankind of the future in which we will have to face the consequences of climate change. He posted an urgent statement to his video Wave in front of the Garden on his social network account: “I am finishing up the last details of the installation of the objects from my garden – a worrying vision of the future after the climate change – about those lonely individuals who survive, perhaps my most depressing work. It might look good in an abundant space with an endlessly high ceiling and it pleases me. Mattresses, the small table, the old thermometer – they all once belonged to my grandfather, who used to care for the garden, and they still smell (stink?) like an old wooden cottage even in this perfect, white venue. From the next room, I can hear chanting: ‘Power to the people, People have the Power!’ from Oliver Ressler’s video. I am indeed very happy to hear that my lonely monodrama is being disturbed with a collective cry, which is why it does not seem like everything is lost.
I bet it was 40 degrees outside yesterday. (…) Emitted emissions will be in the atmosphere with us for several more decades, even if we achieved carbon neutrality today. (…) We should also say that the transformation has already begun, that we have a green recovery plan which counts on the closing down of the coal power plants gradually and keeps banks from subsidizing the fossil business in the future and promotes the use of electric cars. Hopefully once the transformation is up and running, it will accelerate. I cannot be optimistic though, until I can witness it – until the first year when globalemissions start to fall.
The museum has a pleasant air-conditioned coolness and it presents works on the climate crisis, on degrowth, but I often think that it is a toothless tiger, where we can talk comfortably about topics that are current and therefore trendy. ‘Transformation is not a metaphor’ – I recently read somewhere in academic circles. In the world of art, we talk about transformation, which is becoming a nice symbol, but we need the real one, beyond the walls of these institutions. (…) What is all this for (exhibitions)? As the extreme weather phenomena worsen, what role does art play – especially, if its message is read by the already persuaded believers? (…)It will sound like a cliché, but I think what we will need with increasing urgency is being physically together, if the pandemic allows it. We need a broad movement, joint actions where we can discuss, listen, share opposing views, bridge the differences, to feel not alone. Radical transformations of – ourselves, everyday life or society – will not happen if we feel as if we are on our own deserted islands with our desire for change.”